Providing email, I.T support, website design and hosting SERVICES for over 25 years

Mailprotector Exchange+ 365

Change Mailprotector Password

Please note that you can only change your password from the online webmail system.

  1. Please click this link: CHANGE PASSWORD
  2. If multiple accounts exist and you are asked choose: Work or School Account created by your IT department
  3. Enter your Email address, then your Password
  4. You may be asked by your browser to Stay signed in? you can press Yes to this option
  5. You will now see a screen asking you to enter your Old password,  Create new passwordand  Confirm new password – the password must be a strong password as outlined on that page
  6. Press the green Submit button and your password will then be changed.


01344 859 755

Cloudprotect, Webxdesign and Cyberprotect are divisions of Freelance Computers.

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01344 859 755

Monday – Friday : 9am to 5pm